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1.        A mathematics test has 40 problems. Each correct answer is scored 3. Each wrong answer is scored -1. No answer is scored 0. Ani joins this test. She answer 29 problem correctly, leaves 4 problems blank and fails to provide correct answer to the remaining problems of the test. So Ani’s score is ….
            a.     29                                                                           c.     87
            b.     80                                                                           d.     120
2.         The fraction between  and is ….
            a.                                                                                 c.    
            b.                                                                                 d.    
3.         Yanti’s height is 156 cm. If Yanti’s height on her photo is 19.5 cm, so the scale of her photo is ….
            a.     1 : 6                                                                        c.     1 : 9
            b.     1 : 8                                                                        d.     1 : 12
4.         In the map, the distance of two cities is 8 cm. The real distance is 28 km. The scale of the map is ….
            a.     1 : 3,500                                                                c.     1 : 350,000
            b.     1 : 35,000                                                              d.     1 : 3,500,000
5.         Mr. Budi buys two baskets of mangoes and three baskets of snake fruits at the price Rp 120,000.00. The price of a basket of snake fruits is equal to the price of two baskets of mangoes. The price of a basket of mangoes is ….
            a.     Rp 30,000.00                                                        c.     Rp 18,000.00
            b.     Rp 24,000.00                                                        d.     Rp 15,000.00
6.         Ana saves Rp 2,000,000.00 in a bank at 12 % interest per year. If Ana saves the money only for 10 months, the interest she will get is ….
            a.     Rp 200,000.00                                                      c.     Rp 400,000.00
            b.     Rp 300,000.00                                                      d.     Rp 500,000.00
7.         Find the next three term from 1, 2, 4, 8, …
            a.     9, 10                                                                       c.     11, 15
            b.     10, 11                                                                     d.     15, 22
8.         The simplest form of 9-3(4m-1) is ….
            a.     -12m+12                                                                c.     24m-6
            b.     -24m-6                                                                   d.     m
9.         The product of (3x+4)(2x-5) is ….
            a.     6x2-x-20                                                                 c.     6x2+7x-20
            b.     6x2-7x-20                                                               d.     6x2-15x-20
10.      The sum of (5ab2-2a2b+5ab) and (3a2b-4ab-3ab2) is ….
            a.     2(ab2-a2b+ab)                                                        c.     2a2b+ab2-ab
            b.     2(ab2+a2b-ab)                                                        d.     2ab2+a2b+ab
11.      The simplest form of  is ….
            a.                                                                     c.    
            b.                                                                     d.    
12.      One of the factors of 18b2-2 is ….
            a.     9b-1                                                                        c.     3b-1
            b.     3b+2                                                                       d.     2(b-2)
13.      The solution of -3(2x-10) = 2(5-2x) is ….
            a.     x = -20                                                                    c.     x = 10
            b.     x = -10                                                                    d.     x = 20
14.      The perimeter of a rectangle is 90 cm LONG. If its length is 5 cm more than its width, then the width of the rectangle is ….
            a.     20 cm                                                                     c.     30 cm
            b.     25 cm                                                                     d.     35 cm
15.      Given K = {x|5£x<14, xÎ even numbers}
                         L = {x|9£x<16, xÎ natural numbers}
            N(L-K) = ….
            a.     2                                                                              c.     6
            b.     4                                                                              d.     8
16.      In certain class, 28 students like mathematic, 19 students like English and 15 like both mathematics and English. The number of students in the class is ….
            a.     32 students                                                           c.     38 students              
            b.     35 students                                                           d.     47 students
17.      Given that the function f(x) = x3+3x-12 then values of f(x) when x = -2 is ….
            a.     -28                                                                          c.     -10
            b.     -26                                                                          d.     -6
18.      The point (2,4) satisfies the function ….
            a.     f(x) = 2x+1                                                             c.     f(x) = 3x-2
            b.     f(x) = 3-2x                                                              d.     f(x) = 4x+5
19.      The gradient of a straight line is -3. Given that is passes through the point (3,0). The y- intercept of the straight line is ….
            a.     9                                                                              c.     -3
            b.     3                                                                              d.     -9

            The table above shows the coordinates of four points. The points that lie on the straight line y = 5x-2 are ….
            a.     P and Q                                                                  c.     Q and R
            b.     P and R                                                                   d.     Q and S

21.      Mr. Didik bought two adult tickets and two child tickets for a circus show for       Rp 50,000.00. Mr. Sidhi paid Rp 95,000.00 for four adult tickets and three child tickets for the same circus show. The linear equation system that represents this statement is ….
            a.     2x+y = 50,000                                                      c.     2x+2y = 50,000
                    4x+3y = 95,000                                                    d.     3x+4y = 95,000
            b.     2x+2y = 50,000                                                    d.     2x+2y = 50,000
                    3x+4y = 95,000                                                            4x+3y = 95,000
22.      Two types of T-shirts are sold in the school cooperative shop. The price of a black T-shirt is Rp 50,000.00 and that of a white T-shirt is Rp 40,000.00. The number of white T-shirts sold is 8 more than that of the black T-shirt and the total number of the T-shirt sold is ….
            a.     10                                                                           c.     14
            b.     12                                                                           d.     16
23.                                                                                              In the figure on the left ABC is a
                                                                                                    right- triangle    at point C.             
                                                                                                    The correct formula based on the figure
                                                                                                    is ….
                                                                                                    a.     b2 = a2+c2
                                                                                                    b.     b2 = a2-c2
                                                                                                    c.     c2 = a2-b2
                                                                                                    d.     c2 = a2+b2
24.                                                                                              The length of BD = 12 cm and
                                                                                                    ÐABC = 30° the area of rectangle ABCD
                                                                                                    is ….
25.                                                                                                      Given AB = 6 cm, BC = 8 cm
                                                                                                    Then the length of BD is ….
                                                                                                    a.     9.6 cm
                                                                                                    b.     4.8 cm
                                                                                                    c.     2.4 cm
                                                                                                    d.     1.2 cm
26.      The perimeter of the figure is ….
              1 cm                           1 cm                                          a.     10 cm
                                                                                                    b.     22 cm
                     2 cm                                                                      c.     24 cm
                                                           5 cm d.                             26 cm


28.                            S                                                                PQRS is a kite.
                                                                                                    ÐP = 3x°, ÐQ = x° and ÐS = 2x°,
                                                                                                    The size of ÐQRS is ….
            P                                   R                a.                             60°
                                                                                                    b.     90°
                                                                                                    c.     120°
                                                                                                    d.     130°


29.                                                                                              Consider the picture!
                                                                                                    The value of x is …
                                                                                                    a.     30°
                                                                                                    b.     40°
                                                                                                    c.     50°
                                                                                                    d.     60°
30.      C                                   A                                                The size of ÐBED in the left figure is ….
                                                                                                    a.     152°
                             E                                                                     b.     107°
            (3x-25)°        (5x-7)°                                                      c.     73°
                                                                                                    d.     38°

31.                                                                                              Consider the figure beside!
                                                                                                    The size of ÐAOB = 34° then the size
                                                                                                    of ÐACD is ….
                                                                                                    a.     63°
                                                                                                    b.     68°
                                                                                                    c.     73°
                                                                                                    d.     78°

32.                                                                                              If 4AE = 3EB then the length of DE is ….
                                                                                                    a.     36 cm
                                                                                                    b.     32 cm
                                                                                                    c.     28 cm
    A                         E            B                                                    d.     21 cm
33.      DABC similar to DDEF, ÐBAC = ÐEFD and ÐABC = ÐDEF then ....
            a.                                                              c.    
            b.                                                              d.    

34.                H                                  G                                       The space diagonal of ABCDEFGH is ….
                                                                                                    a.     AC
      E                                       F                                                   b.     EF
                                                                                                    c.     AG
                                                                                                    d.     DG
               D                                       C

       A                                    B 
35.      i.                                                                                      ii.


            iii.                                                                                    iv.   


            The net of cube the figure above is ….
            a.     (i), (ii), (iii)                                                              c.     (i), (iii), (iv)
            b.     (i), (ii), (iv)                                                              d.     (ii), (iii), (iv)
36.      The volume of the pyramid inside the cuboids is 36 cm2. The volume of the cuboids is ….
            a.     64 cm3                                                                    c.     108 cm3
            b.     144 cm3                                                                 d.     72 cm3
37.      Volume of a cylinder of base radius 14 cm and of height 10 cm is ….
            a.     2,053.3 cm3                                                           c.     7,053.3 cm3
            b.     6,160 cm3                                                              d.     7,160 cm3
38.      Base diameter of a cone is 42 cm and the length of cone is 28 cm. The surface area of cone is ….
            a.     2,310 cm2                                                              c.     3,696 cm2
            b.     3,210 cm2                                                              d.     3,996 cm2
39.      If average of data’s 7, 5, 13, x and 9 is 10 then the value of x is ….
            a.     10                                                                           c.     14
            b.     12                                                                           d.     16
40.                                                                                                      The diagram represent the hobbies of
                    Volli                                                                        1,200 students. The number of students
                      45°   Basket                                                         who likes basket ball is ….
                                                                                                    a.     60
                                  Football                                                    b.     80
                                      60°                                                        c.     100
         Badminton         45°                                                         d.     120

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